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[#219653] Written by: nogoodnamesleft2 [25/11/2014, 19:37]
Quote by novaking

the purpose of this page is to provide information about a show, not only to list torrents.

hi novaking,

i guess this is the reason why so many of my suggestions were marked as 'more to do with
episodes'. but i don't see the show information page purely as providing information (despite the
name you give it), i see it as also or even primarily grouping the episodes of a particular show
on to one page, and certainly when i've introduced people to eztv that seems to be the way they
use it - they open the show information page of whatever show they are particularly interested in
and start downloading episodes either from where they stopped watching or from the start.
frankly, if you were just after show information then you could almost just provide a link to imdb
and a link to the imdb or wikipedia episode list and leave it at that - though that underestimates
the sterling work boonesferry and others do to relate the scene names to actual episodes, and
unknot any mistakes, and i would certainly not choose to have it that way!

if you look at my suggestions in that light then perhaps more of them are related to the show
information page - they are designed to make downloading from a single page a chunk of episodes
for a particular show, in a particular format, easier, and to avoid downloads of problem files when
there are more than one choice (eg the first file, the real, the proper, the really real, the web
rip, the 720p, the 720p's real, and so on), letting them get exactly what they need and want, all
on one handy page - and they can read about the show itself too, though that is not really a
priority for existing shows they already know.

because while i have been using your site for ages and read the titles of files with the same ease
that i read my own handwriting, beginners at the site (as i have noticed when introducing them to
it) do not. in that context, a separate column for eg 720p, and sorting and filing, and my other
suggestions make more sense.

yes, i am very aware that many or most of my suggestions would also apply to the other
pages on the site, and i won't deny i would like to see the same suggestions implemented
elsewhere - heck, i even acknowledged that at one point, saying 'aside from wanting that in the
show information page i am absolutely and unashamedly angling to have that info handy for later
revisions of other parts of the site such as the search!'.

but the show information page is, to my knowledge, the only page on the site where all the
episodes of a show are gathered together within one click of the front page (you can achieve the
same with the search but that requires two clicks and some scrolling, or some typing and a click)
and it is often used as such by both experienced users and beginners, and i think that it should be
viewed in that light as well as just providing information on the show.

perhaps it would be better called the 'show' page.

just a thought.... thanks for all your amazing work, good luck with the redesign!
[#219654] Written by: NovaKing (Administrator) [25/11/2014, 20:55]
Quote by nogoodnamesleft2
Quote by novaking

the purpose of this page is to provide information about a show, not only to list torrents.

hi novaking,

i guess this is the reason why so many of my suggestions were marked as 'more to do with
episodes'. but i don't see the show information page purely as providing information (despite the
name you give it), i see it as also or even primarily grouping the episodes of a particular show
on to one page, and certainly when i've introduced people to eztv that seems to be the way they
use it - they open the show information page of whatever show they are particularly interested in
and start downloading episodes either from where they stopped watching or from the start.
frankly, if you were just after show information then you could almost just provide a link to imdb
and a link to the imdb or wikipedia episode list and leave it at that - though that underestimates
the sterling work boonesferry and others do to relate the scene names to actual episodes, and
unknot any mistakes, and i would certainly not choose to have it that way!

if you look at my suggestions in that light then perhaps more of them are related to the show
information page - they are designed to make downloading from a single page a chunk of episodes
for a particular show, in a particular format, easier, and to avoid downloads of problem files when
there are more than one choice (eg the first file, the real, the proper, the really real, the web
rip, the 720p, the 720p's real, and so on), letting them get exactly what they need and want, all
on one handy page - and they can read about the show itself too, though that is not really a
priority for existing shows they already know.

because while i have been using your site for ages and read the titles of files with the same ease
that i read my own handwriting, beginners at the site (as i have noticed when introducing them to
it) do not. in that context, a separate column for eg 720p, and sorting and filing, and my other
suggestions make more sense.

yes, i am very aware that many or most of my suggestions would also apply to the other
pages on the site, and i won't deny i would like to see the same suggestions implemented
elsewhere - heck, i even acknowledged that at one point, saying 'aside from wanting that in the
show information page i am absolutely and unashamedly angling to have that info handy for later
revisions of other parts of the site such as the search!'.

but the show information page is, to my knowledge, the only page on the site where all the
episodes of a show are gathered together within one click of the front page (you can achieve the
same with the search but that requires two clicks and some scrolling, or some typing and a click)
and it is often used as such by both experienced users and beginners, and i think that it should be
viewed in that light as well as just providing information on the show.

perhaps it would be better called the 'show' page.

just a thought.... thanks for all your amazing work, good luck with the redesign!

i understand this, but we are not asking about it *yet* we are asking about the show
information. at a later date we will ask about other parts of the site.
[#219659] Written by: Myth024 [26/11/2014, 00:51]
i would suggest a collapsible area for the torrents at the top, right under the show image. by
default it's collapsed to show information about the show but with a click on an arrow or button
etc.. it would expand downward to show the torrents. i mention this because some show info pages
have a bunch of stuff and if you just want to get to the torrents themselves then it's faster, or if
you want information, you don't have to worry about the torrents. also there is currently a link
for adding to a persons show page. sometimes i find myself, temporarily, mentally incapacitated so
having the "add to show page" link be dim if the show is already on your page or even have it change
to being able to remove the show.
thanks for all your hard work. i searched between my couch cushions for some bitcoins but i couldn't
find any so my thanks will have to do for now.
[#219673] Written by: solitaire [26/11/2014, 11:33]
a small list of things :
1) one of the things that bug me is the time the show airs and converting it to local time in my head.
in the general information area how about an additional bit of info converting the shows airtime to
the local time zone.

2) if possible collapsible areas. example ; if a show has been going on for 10 seasons! that page
can take a while to scroll to a specific episode you might want to revisit. it might be cleaner to
collapse each season.

3) small annoyance but with the database as it is you sometimes get the "latest news" links to
stories about a totally different (usually cancelled) program. could it be possible to grab feeds
from imdb or other entertainment news to supplement our user generates stories?

4) how about basic filters for showing only hd and sd broadcasts for a show? (thinking ahead is it
possible to implement this at a user preference option?) or just show the latest season.

well that's all i've got.
love the site guys.
[#219678] Written by: slaas [26/11/2014, 13:22]
i would like to see the date when the show is released is up to date. in other words it doesn't all say 1
week ago after 7 days. it should be more precise.
i would just like to say thank you for a quality site and keep up the good work.
[#219719] Written by: TehDude [28/11/2014, 18:20]
i would like to see the "returns: date" changed to allow for things like "returns: spring 2015" or
"should return: oct 2015" but i expect that will require changing the date system in the database
or some hackery involving setting a date of oct 1 2015 at 23:59 means maybe sometime in oct.

i would also like to see "released" column to have something other than ">1 week" since that is
mostly useless. i would like to see days up to about 30 and then i think months or years would be
fine and 1.4 months or 4.9 years would be fine too.

the times are also odd. it would be nice to have a field in the database so that the time zone can
be put in so dr who airs at 8:30 pm "bst" which then would allow for better timing adjustments as
daylight savings times shift different ways at different parts of the year for difference places in the

do people have a real problem scrolling?
[#219721] Written by: martyncymro [28/11/2014, 20:14]
just 2 brief suggestions.
1) genre
2) date show started
[#219723] Written by: Northernstar1012 [28/11/2014, 23:35]
Quote by martyncymro
just 2 brief suggestions.
1) genre
2) date show started

copied and pasted from the page i used as an example...

general information
series premiere: march 19, 2014
classification: scripted
genre: drama | sci-fi | post-apocalyptic | thriller

all active shows and *most* ended shows all contain this information already.

[#219729] Written by: Shadiesweden [29/11/2014, 07:25]
i would just love it clean and simple,
the show information page should contain info about the show, possibly link directly the their original
website or imdb and maybe a link to a trailer on youtube seeing some shows will not show on their original
website due to being in the wrong country.

a direct link to all episodes on this site.

also a black out of the episodes already downloaded so one can keep track of where one is.

yes, a genre so one can search for sci-fi or horror etc directly

date show started and date ended, when it will relaunch after a break etc.

my two pennies

[#219732] Written by: patscarr [29/11/2014, 09:50]
i would like to see more info about the shows rating. for example: g, pg, pg-13, ma, r
and possibly why it has that rating. for example: violence, nudity, strong language
[#219734] Written by: birdienumnums [29/11/2014, 11:44]
hey there!

no popups and no frames. no fancy anything. plain and simple and to the point. i actually quite like
the page as is, though i would like it more if the episode titles appeared consistently on the pages.

https://eztv.it/shows/1000/the-100/ <--- a great example of a great page. reorganizing the info
(ie: season 1 and 2 episode titles) onto the right column to give it more balance would be nice...
this page really has all i have ever looked for on the show info page.

links to upcoming episode trailers would be cool if it could be generated automatically via a
youtube crawler... but if it would need to be updated manually forget it, lol!

[#219736] Written by: mr_crow [29/11/2014, 15:22]
all looks good to me.

what about a link/embed to a trailer.
[#219748] Written by: colcheddar [30/11/2014, 11:20]
i agree it covers most of what's needed, i do occasionally have to separately imdb some, but that's no hardship. a link to
similarly styled shows would be useful in this page - similar to imdbs .

keep up the great work.

[#219750] Written by: Emitstop [30/11/2014, 12:55]
Quote by novaking
i see you did not read the post at all.

we are only talking about the show information page, not any other section of the website.

sadly that was the only page you did not talk about.

this is not an appropriate way to respond to user feedback. they may have misunderstood you but any
information you can get from your users is valuable, and they clearly went to some length to write you a
genuine response.

so in my opinion, i think the show information page is mostly fine and doesn't really need any new features,
but it could be have a cleaner design, with more focus on scanability. perhaps more of a visual hierarchy with
things split up into more columns and categories? also i think it would be cool if it didn't require as much
scrolling to get down to the episodes list.

however, all in all i think there's plenty of resources available elsewhere online for getting show information
in an incredibly digestible, navigable way, and it's not the main priority for me or anyone i know who uses
[#219769] Written by: hodag [01/12/2014, 11:58]
i didn't even know there was a show information page until now. i suppose that comes mainly
from not clicking on links in the various sections (countdown list for example) and relying mainly on
the rss, but i have clicked many time on the episode links on the home page and never
noticed "show info" under the episode breakdown.

maybe a separate line in bold on the episode page or a menu item would help those of us who
seem to be blind? it looks like a very useful set of pages.

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