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Episode Breakdown
Tommy TV Show S01E01

Season: 1
Episode: 1
Air Date: 6 February, 2020
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Stats generated @ 19:59 on 13th Jun 2024
Torrent Info
Torrent File: Tommy.S01E01.HDTV.x264-KILLERS[eztv].mkv
Torrent Hash: CA532685A5D097A45EB10291D3287D889F2011C7
Filesize: 254 MB
Released: 6th Feb 2020

File Format: MKV (Matroska)
Resolution: 720x404 px
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Alternate Releases S L
Tommy S01E01 720p HDTV x264-KILLERS 0 0
Tommy S01E01 480p x264-mSD 0 0
Tommy S01E01 iNTERNAL 720p WEB x264-BAMBOOZLE 0 0
Tommy S01E01 iNTERNAL 480p x264-mSD 1 0
Tommy S01E01 In Dreams Begin Responsibilities CBS WEB-DL AAC2 0 x264-TEPES 0 0

Tommy S01E01 - In Dreams Begin Responsibilities


A true-blue New Yorker, Abigail "Tommy" Thomas uses her unflinching honesty and hardball tactics to keep social, political and national security issues from hindering effective law enforcement in the Southland. Tommy steps into her new job surrounded by her predecessor's staff, including Chief of Staff Donn Cooper, a savvy cop with good instincts and the ability to be discreet; Blake Sullivan, the polished and confident press secretary who is eager to earn Tommy's trust; and Ken Rosey , an idealistic speechwriter and former attorney. Tommy also hires Abner Diaz, a fellow street-smart New York transplant, as part of her personal security team. The person responsible for hiring Tommy is Mayor Buddy Gray, a charismatic politician whose goals and ambitions don't always align with Tommy's. Buddy relies on the political instincts of his deputy mayor, Doug Dudik, a slick operative with questionable morals who is wary of Tommy's growing influence. Now that Tommy is in L.A., she has a second chance at a relationship with her adult daughter, Kate Jones, who still faults her mother for choosing career over family many years ago. Possessing a New Yorker's gift for being tough and sarcastic while remaining likable, Tommy has the conviction needed to succeed as the first woman to lead the LAPD in its fight to keep citizens safe and crime at bay in the City of Angels.

Tommy S1E1 Screenshot
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Day: 2020-02-07
Resolution: 720x404
Size: 254 MiB
FrameRate: 23.976
Length: 00:42:22.957
Bitrate: 727 Kbps

n***** We all miss you. Come back soon
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