In this episode Sue continues her Alaskan adventure of a lifetime, following the old gold trail route into the interior of America's largest and wildest state. She heads off the beaten track to explore the state's rich history and meet the incredible people who live in the Alaskan wilderness, to discover if she too could survive in this daunting landscape.
Sue begins her journey in Willow where she takes part in Alaska's "state sport" of dog mushing, which also happens to be one of the few modes of transport available to Alaskans come wintertime. Then she is off for an adventure at the end of the world… literally! Sue joins Alaskan doomsday preppers on an intense "bug out" boat ride deep into the wilderness to discover the ingenuity and capability it takes to survive when things hit the proverbial fan.
In the old gold towns of Talkeetna and Fairbanks, Sue learns about Alaska's fascinating frontier history and how camaraderie and community, so vital to the state's past, remain alive and well today. Sue tries her hand at gold panning to see if she can strike it rich, and enters a beard growing competition to get a taste of the state's independent and quirky spirit.
Finally, Sue meets a homesteader to find out if she has what it takes to prosper while living self-sufficiently and off-grid in one of the most unforgiving and often dangerous places on the planet.
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iMDB, riPpeR/gRp nOteS E T C ! !
Sue heads to Phuket, the country's largest island
diving in tropical waters, trying the water sport of
e-foiling; and taking penalty shoot outs on a
spectacular floating football pitch