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   finding all my posts, inability to post in feature rq's



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[#15369] Written by: Trekhippy [07/02/2007, 21:26]
i was going to post this in feature requests but it says i do not have
permission to do that. i was going to go to the irc chat room but it would not
connect. so i post here. i wish to know if there is a way, as on many other
websites, for me to be able to see all my posts, so that i can easily see the
replies, since one cannot actually subscribe to a set of posts. there are so
many releases of the same show it is hard for me to remember which one i got,
and which one i posted question on. i am referring to posts under the 'messages'
section on the main page, which i'm assuming is different from the actual
forums. thanks very much.
[#15420] Written by: NovaKing (Administrator) [08/02/2007, 03:28]
this is a custom forum developed by myself, it doesn't contain most features
that other forums have, i wanted a lightweight forum that did what was most
needed without the extra crap added to it.

the discussions links on the main page for shows link to the forums (bottom
section of the forum page)
[#15494] Written by: Trekhippy [08/02/2007, 11:54]
so basically, i have to write it down, which of the umpteen different releases i
put my question under? ok, well thanks anyway.
[#15515] Written by: kurai [08/02/2007, 15:39]
Quote by trekhippy
so basically, i have to write it down, which of the umpteen
different releases i
put my question under? ok, well thanks anyway.

which makes one wonder what question, apparently un-related to a release, you
were asking in a release thread ...

perhaps you might want to re-ask it in a discussion thread with a relevant,
you know ... title ?

might make your life easier.
[#15695] Written by: Trekhippy [09/02/2007, 15:53]
actually, i was merely asking a question regarding a post already in the thread.
so if someone posts something in that thread, and i have a question for them
about that post, that is the thread i post it in. i will from now on, write on a
piece of paper (yikes) exactly which release and the url i posted to. however,
most times in show threads i have to look at a long list of complaining and
moaning about such idiotic things as "where's the hdtv version" or "why such a
big file" which has nothing to do with that actual episode. for the thousands
of posts just like that, an equal number of answers have been posted so i have
to wonder why i have to read posts like that over and over and over and over
again. it's just downright annoying to have to weed through all that when, at
least i figure, most people only look at posts to see if a: there are any
glitches or any reason for the release to be nuked or b: to find out what
order the eppy was in and the actual title name, which i still think if shows
are going to be out of order the torrent name should be something like sga s3x12
sunday hdtv eztv.avi (just an example, not meant to be accurate to that eppy) or
something like that so people don't have to wonder which eppy it is. there's
more but i don't have time now. maybe in a later post.
[#15716] Written by: NovaKing (Administrator) [09/02/2007, 21:33]
well, if you knew, we stick to the scene standard filenaming. there is heaps of
resources out there that list upcoming episodes and the such, and if you dislike
the forum members here who do oddly enough state annoying questions and
statements not much we can do about it for now..

on the main forum section you will notice a little red/blue icon next to the
thread timestamp, blue = you have read this thread and there is no new posts in
it. red = a new post has been added since you last looked in there.

i *could* add it for each post within a thread, but i don't see a need for it
personally, just look at the timestamp of the post. it has been good enough for me.
[#15719] Written by: Overlords [09/02/2007, 21:47]
why write it down? has everyone forgotten about 'favorites'?? just save the
link and change the title of it to describe what show/thread etc... you could
even make an eztv folder for it.
[#15832] Written by: Trekhippy [11/02/2007, 01:06]
@ novaking actually, i was replying to kurai however, thank you for the tip
about the red and blue icons.

it's not that i don't like the forum members themselves, it's just that i think
comments not specific to the exact file they are under should be kept to a
minimum by the members themselves, i was in no way implying that anyone except
the members posting should do anything about it. and no, i didn't know anything
about 'scene standard filenaming' however, that seems pretty strict and when
the eppy's are named just by season and eppy, if they are shown out of order you
end up with, for example, stargate.atlantis.s3e15...shown in one area not
necessarily being the same as the s3e15 of another area because either the
person uploading just counted from when they were aired so that could be the
episode named sunday while the episode aired in another area of the same season
and eppy number is not sunday at all etc.. so even with the "resources out
there that list upcoming episodes and the such", if the airing order is
different in different places and the production order was different it gets
quite confusing. but again, i'm not saying anyone else can fix it, and since no
one else cares i guess i'll just suffer.

@overlords thank you for the advice, yes i certainly could try that, although
in the past when i have it just takes me to the forum index, i think because i
have to log in. but i'll try again, maybe with my firefox updated it won't do
that anymore.
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