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[#41265] Written by: mattgsi [16/06/2007, 23:18]
do they relaunch it to catch new audience before s02 in fall?

when i saw the title i was impressed...thought it was s02 coming...
[#41289] Written by: sCifI3001 [17/06/2007, 05:01]
yeah , me too, he got a bad news vote from me . . . .

headline very misleading
[#41296] Written by: Timmetie [17/06/2007, 08:43]
yea, when i read it i inmediatly thought they had shot the new jericho episode
in 2 weeks.. it's just that the reruns were sceduled later in the year i believe
but not anymore, news worthy i'd say.
[#41338] Written by: Futtbucker [17/06/2007, 20:30]

could we please get some minimum standards in news postings? this infantile
garbage is getting old. it proves eztv is being run by kids, and while that may
seem cute to some people, it just looks fucking idiotic to everyone else.

1. proper english. no posts that look like they were written by a 6 year old.
it's spelled "you", not "u" for a reason kids. oh and at least an
attempt at proper grammar would be nice.

2. funny is fine, but garbage like misleading newstitles is infantile. stop it

3. full links to where they're stealing the story from at the top, as pretty
much 100% of news items are taken from other sources, making the people posting
news, little more than link and runners.

4. reliable image hosts for all images. nothing says "i'm too stupid to use
image hosting that doesn't have a 1 mb traffic limit" like "this image has been
removed due to excessive traffic".

5. leave out your worthless opinions in news items. nobody gives a shit about
your moronic opinion except you and your mother. link, precis, and if necessary
clarification or information, that's it. again, nobody gives a shit about your
ignorant opinion except you and your mother.

6. this is more of a suggestion than anything, but how about voting out news
posters, or even better, the ability to completely block news posted by certain
posters? there are quite a few that i'd like to be able to ignore, as they're
clearly just 14 year olds (and apparently borderline retarded) that know shit
about shit, simply posting garbage that clutters up the rest of the news items
with offal.

[#41444] Written by: liz1102 [18/06/2007, 05:33]
Quote by futtbucker

3. full links to where they're stealing the story from at the top, as pretty
much 100% of news items are taken from other sources, making the people posting
news, little more than link and runners.

i do agree on this point. there's so much blatant plagiarism going on its unreal.
[#42121] Written by: CherriTerri [21/06/2007, 13:01]
Quote by scifi3001
yeah , me too, he got a bad news vote from me . . .headline
very misleading

he is a she and if you read the post you would have found out that yes indeed
the article did state there would be a new season. to quote "...last week
received a seven episode mid-season order following an impassioned display of
fan support.."

one of the focal points of cbs's revival was a statement that it needed more
. hence my post of their news release in its entirity. to give
people fair warning that this summer's rebroadcasts and the new 7 episodes
needed a lot more people watching them in order to cement jericho's definite return.

i did not suggest anywhere that i wrote the post, my tag at the end stating this
was a news release from cbs itself somehow was not coded properly and got cut
off. my apologies. though my pic used isn't being banned because of
overbandwidthing, as someone said.

be that as it may, the post was meant to inform those who did campaign to get
the show un-cancelled. i don't particularily care about your "bad news vote"
scifi3001, but i would appreciate at least reading the post before you rant.

thank you very kindly and have a nice day.

terri aka cherriterri
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