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   Real Time With Bill Maher 2007 09 21 (PDTV-NoTV)



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[#57285] Written by: TheYogi [22/09/2007, 09:57]
[#57382] Written by: shitfritter [22/09/2007, 22:09]
i do like bill mahr, even though often his jokes are fairly obvious and been
done before. but his episode shows his hypocrisy. when faced with the israel
question he becomes the jew, blindly israel must exist without even pretending
to understand the statement of the guest.

he just made me inch towards those that say jews control the media and therfore
opinion. call me an ant semite and ill tell you to fuck off and do some
research. if i have to accept everything israel does as justified you will have
to accept people thinking israel has a carte blanche on anything it does no
matter good or bad.

sadly that is the last i will ever watch of mahr. i thought he was atheist, i
thought he was secular, i thought people or place made no difference to him, but
he made it clear he is a jew and will always support their made up motherland.
[#57390] Written by: pathomancer [22/09/2007, 23:53]
Quote by shitfritter
i do like bill mahr, even though often his jokes are fairly
obvious and been
done before. but his episode shows his hypocrisy. when faced with the israel
question he becomes the jew, blindly israel must exist without even pretending
to understand the statement of the guest.

he just made me inch towards those that say jews control the media and therfore
opinion. call me an ant semite and ill tell you to fuck off and do some
research. if i have to accept everything israel does as justified you will have
to accept people thinking israel has a carte blanche on anything it does no
matter good or bad.

sadly that is the last i will ever watch of mahr. i thought he was atheist, i
thought he was secular, i thought people or place made no difference to him, but
he made it clear he is a jew and will always support their made up

i doubt he will miss you, an antisemitic shit....fritter

[#57413] Written by: Pleidian [23/09/2007, 05:18]
thanks for upping this show... i enjoy it a lot.
[#57449] Written by: chrizt4adam [23/09/2007, 13:20]
Quote by shitfritter
i do like bill mahr, even though often his jokes are fairly
obvious and been
done before. but his episode shows his hypocrisy. when faced with the israel
question he becomes the jew, blindly israel must exist without even pretending
to understand the statement of the guest.

he just made me inch towards those that say jews control the media and therfore
opinion. call me an ant semite and ill tell you to fuck off and do some
research. if i have to accept everything israel does as justified you will have
to accept people thinking israel has a carte blanche on anything it does no
matter good or bad.

sadly that is the last i will ever watch of mahr. i thought he was atheist, i
thought he was secular, i thought people or place made no difference to him, but
he made it clear he is a jew and will always support their made up

you had me till the last few sentences. it's true, the jews have a lot of media
control in the us, but so do republicans. never forget, the us has a large
investment in making israel survive and work, as can be seen by their world\'s
largest army and world\'s best air force (american given). we helped create their
\"made up motherland\", and the rest of the world felt bad for the plight of the
jew after ww2. these are simply remnants from that era, poor planning then led
to chaos now. no one really thought when the united nations gave the jews
israel, \"ohh shit, there are people already living there.\" it wasn\'t a free
space on a monopoly board. i will continue to watch bill maher, especially if i
disagree with or question what he says. the point of the show is to question -
otherwise it becomes a religion.
[#57450] Written by: JeffTheDrunk [23/09/2007, 13:40]
wow, i'm just amazed at the racism here. ok, i guess i'm not "amazed" but
more repulsed.

does israel have the right to be where it's at?

no, nothing to do with being jewish, just land rights. we (america) invaded a
sovereign country (again) and stole land from the people living there (again)
and gave it to our buddies.

now the israelis are no better than the nazi's. what hurts the most is they
know they are wrong and refuse to admit it.

it doesn't help that the palestinians are racist assholes too. but do you have
the right to take someones home simply because they are a racist prick? no.

how far back do you go? so it would be ok if russia invaded the usa and gave
the land back to the native americans because, in all honesty, we stole it
from them?

i just don't know. i'm beginning to believe that any asshole that believes
random shit some asshole wrote down 2,000 years ago should be escorted out of
the club and told never to come back.

if you want to have an intelligent conversaion involving facts, (note: the
bible, koran, [insert crazy asshole book here] is not a fact) then i'm all for
it. until then you have lost your right to be in the human race and are
exiled. fuck off and get the fuck off the planet wanker.
[#57454] Written by: shitfritter [23/09/2007, 13:58]
yeh my last statement was dumb, i do take that back. yes israel has a right to
exist but no i dont have to support everything they do and i thought neither did

always great to see what drunken gibberish i write.

and im certainly no anti-semite, and i don't believe in a global jewish
conspiracy, i just severely object to placing israel on some un-attackable
pedastle and drowning out people who say anything against it an anti-semite and

a serious discussion still seems to be taboo, reinforced by those mindless
drones that just use the same anti-semite and racists bullshit lines.

when one sees how much control rupert murdoch has over what his news
organisations report and how they report it, it is maybe not so far fetched to
think that jewish owned media tends to shy away from serious debate as to what
israel does that isn't right.

if israel has a right to exist so does a kurdistan, but noone seems to give a
shit about that. maybe they need a wealthy kurdish lobby before that happens. i
don't know and i don't really give a shit either.

flame away pc-drone boys.
[#57455] Written by: manifestor [23/09/2007, 13:59]
thanks for the up and seeds!

i thought the guests made incredibly valid points throughout this episode. americans live in a fascist
state and, the overwhelming majority, are unfortunately too braindead to realize it's no longer a "free

Quote by chrizt4adam
the point of the show is to question -
otherwise it becomes a religion.

it's very typical of atheists to badmouth any organized religion, and the atheist writers of this show
most certainly have an agenda and defined objectives

bill maher, like a lot born into abrahamic bloodlines, has become disenfranchised by organized religion
because of the humans who represent religion(s)

man is imperfect, that's how the highest power designed it. to blame the entire system of governance
based on individual misinterpretations is short-sighted and extremely dangerous ... (using bill maher
type logic, it can be argued that timothy mcveigh is the ultimate american patriot and that he
represents the ideals of american society and the constitution)

in my understanding (what they teach in my sunday school), the point of religion is to constantly
question ideas and ideologies of every religion while affirming faith through research and experience

how much longer are people going to misuse the phrase "anti-semite"? ... a semite is a descendant of
shem, and anyone in the arab bloodline, including (non-ashkenazi) jews christians muslims and the
rest, are semites
[#57465] Written by: JeffTheDrunk [23/09/2007, 16:22]
Quote by manifestor
it's very typical of atheists to badmouth any organized

guess what asshole, i'm not going to stand by and let you fascist pricks say
bullshit like this. you religious assholes are the fuckwads killing everyone
and i'm not going to allow you to say simple because we point out your
bullshit we are the evil ones. you are evil fucks. you cause all the
problems in the world and you know it. the next time you want to climb up on
your high and mighty fucking horse try not to do it on the corpses of all the
millions of dead you and your religious fuck-buddies have left in your
bullshit wake.

oh, and please read a book... and not one written 2,500 years ago by assholes
that wiped there asses with their hands.

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