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   TV-Links Gone for Good



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[#63424] Written by: Carnifx [21/10/2007, 18:03]
this sets a very dangerous precedent for britain, it's even worse that any decisions
made in america so far, because the site not only didn't host files, the same as any
torrent site, but only provided links to streaming programs that were already
available. this is a different matter to providing download links.

i am concerned about this situation and feel that we all must keep an eye on any
widening of this type of action in the uk.
[#63434] Written by: Nightingale [21/10/2007, 20:16]
for all of those who are looking for a replacement i recommend the site
sidereel.com -i would describe it as the wikipedia of streaming- allowing users
to add and remove both shows and links.
[#63442] Written by: 12916studios [21/10/2007, 21:15]
it is actually illegal to watch copyrighted material that is put online (just as
it is illegal to put it online too), which means that just by having the links
up, tv-links was providing a modus for breaking the law. consider that aiding
and abetting (or whatever you want to call it)...and tv-links, even without
hosting the videos themselves, was breaking the law too(all via proxy and lovely
stuff like that).

it sucks majorly, but what they were doing was in fact illegal. i still think
that it's a load of crap though. all these copyright laws are a bit over the
top, i think. give me figures that really show how bad tv-links made it for
networks, because i doubt the site did too much to effect show income.
[#63451] Written by: Dolphine [21/10/2007, 22:24]
another site here:


i love how the media are twisting this story so much as if the guy who ran it
killed 500 people or something. it is totally one sided when they only speak
to the people who busted the site and not to get the owners view.

if the high price of hosting in the uk didn't do it, this story will surely
ensure everyone goes offshore!!

so they stop one site.. big deal .. we all know there will be another 10 more
around the corner...
[#63454] Written by: AKAKJB [21/10/2007, 22:45]
this site gets yanked and yet uknova keeps chugging along, despite that site
being mentioned multiple times in the uk press. i think the obvious reason a
blind eye is turned to ukn and not some of the others is that ukn has some very
strict rules regarding content: nothing currently available on video, no series
from other countries (although a few canadian and aussie series have gotten
exemptions). just like the film & tv industries, if you don't somehow regulate
yourselves then the government(s) will, usually with a very heavy hand.
[#63625] Written by: Maluku [22/10/2007, 16:36]
you can still find most videos using the search function on those site (except
those with totally unrelated titles and tags and so on).

anyway if i must choose between a youtube stream and a 720p release here, you
all know which one i would take.
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